Finding Financial Freedom Through the Decades: Special Note to Parents
At HSC Wealth Advisors, our employees have a wide range of knowledge and experience. Take a look at this great article that Stacie Rhodes wrote for Smart Women Smart Money Magazine, on how parents can help their children foster healthy financial planning habits!
Want to learn more? Read this short excerpt and click the link to read the full article.
“My mom washed and reused plastic sandwich and gallon bags. If the aluminum foil wasn’t “too messy,” it was rinsed and reused. The plastic containers that package deli meat were repurposed to box up leftovers. This was normal to me. Only when I went off to college and repeated the behaviors did I realize that these patterns were more uncommon than common. It wasn’t until I was older that I realized the truth of John Maxwell’s words, “more is caught than taught. You can teach your kids what you know, but you reproduce what you are.” My mom didn’t detail the “why” behind these cost-cutting strategies, but they are seared deeply into my memory. I have since realized that her behavior evidenced a deeper value system that would garner more respect with each passing year. She was operating within the means of our income while relentlessly pursuing financial freedom for our family.”