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Recording from March 6, 2021
Is there a way to protect yourself from credit card fraud? What is a credit freeze and why is it needed? In this episode, Joel Bengds and Joe Eskridge explain the process of freezing your credit and discuss why taking this step is important to protect your finances.
Recording from April 10, 2021
In today’s culture, financial scams and frauds are plentiful, and sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish them. Here, Joe Eskridge and Justin Victor discuss a variety of common financial scams, along with strategies for how to spot them and respond to them.
Recording from May 15, 2021
When you are just beginning to build your savings, the process and options can be a bit overwhelming. So, here in this episode, Emily Eshleman and Joe Eskridge introduce five basic steps to follow as you begin prioritizing your savings and organizing your money.
Recording from June 19, 2021
Have you ever wondered if there is a way to chart out your current financial position and your “journey map” for how to arrive at your goals? In this episode, Joel Bengds and Madison Lorentzen introduce Cash Flow Statements and Net Worth Statements, and their usefulness in mapping your financial situation.
Recording from July 24, 2021
The recent American Rescue Plan Act brought about some new questions about taxes, and these can be confusing to many people. So, here, Justin Victor and Brian Devers discuss some common topics like tax credits vs. tax deductions, the enhanced Child Tax Credit, and the importance of tax planning.
Recording from August 21, 2021
If budgeting or spending management is a new or intimidating concept for you, this episode provides some helpful tips! Here, Emily Eshleman and Madison Lorentzen discuss cash flow management, why budgeting is important, and some tools to help you track your spending.
Recording from October 2, 2021
Medicare Open Enrollment can be an overwhelming and confusing time, especially if you are not familiar with what needs to be accomplished now and what can wait until later. In this episode, Joel Bengds is joined by guest Matthew Blankenship of Lifespan Securities to discuss common questions about Medicare.